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Mirasvit: Sphinx Search Ultimate for Magento 2

Sphinx Search Ultimate

As a Magento user, you understand how challenging it may be to set up the search to meet all of the clients’ requirements. The default capability is simply insufficient to accomplish this. Meanwhile, it’s critical to offer a quick, accurate search so that customers can find what they want quickly and easily. The larger the catalog, the more difficult it is to locate the required item. Furthermore, many visitors have no idea what they’re looking for, therefore your job is to present them with as many relevant offerings as possible. This is how it works: if a visitor is satisfied, he becomes a customer. Furthermore, such consumers are likely to recommend you to their friends and coworkers. Is there a good solution then?

We’ve already made a decision while you’re pondering this question and trying to come up with a decent plan. Instead of investing time and resources researching new tactics and understanding the fundamentals of SEO, you may use one simple module to elevate your site’s search engine. And we’ll show you how to make it happen.


Let’s take a closer look at the extension before we go into the details of each feature. What exactly is it? Sphinx Search is actually four modules rolled into one. It enhances everything from the user interface to the algorithms themselves. Search results become more informative, and searching rules become more customizable, allowing users to find goods that they couldn’t find with the basic Magento. It also assists visitors with typing, navigation, and suggestions, allowing them to spend less time on your website and enjoy it more. The entire process of searching is made considerably easier by automation.

You can also examine specific reports generated by this add-on if you wish to familiarize yourself with some statistics. This will assist you in comprehending your requirements and resolving any issues that may arise.

The working principles

Why do we think this is one of the greatest plugins on the market? The reason for this is that it gives you enough speed and sophisticated capabilities to optimize your search activities. The Sphinx Engine is what sets the module apart from the competition because of its incredible search speed and indexing results – over 500 queries per second with thousands of items in a catalog. Furthermore, the engine runs flawlessly on all platforms. It’s hard to believe that one single technology can combine so many diverse elements and deliver such outstanding results. 

Main Features

You can rely on the findings from this module because they will always be relevant. It’s feasible since the module allows singular/plural words, long-tail search (special symbols), stop words, and synonyms, among other features. Besides, this is not the only thing you should know about this add-on. So let’s learn a bit more:

Reporting Feature

Don’t overlook the reports that the extension gives. What do you think you’re seeing here? Here are the reports that are available at any time: by the most common search phrases, or by the total number of search terms plus interaction.

To get the most out of your business, keep track of all the key information about searches and the productivity of your existing setup. When you’re ready, group the data from reports by date and time stamps and export them.

Ultra Fast Search Autocomplete

People may choose more quickly if they are given quick alternatives from a drop-down menu. The add-on gives users specific tips as quickly as possible, allowing them to view ideas after only a few letters have been entered.

In addition, the following front-end features are available:

Also, you can configure the following parameters:


If you and your store desire to get stronger every day, Sphinx Ultimate Search is what you need. There is no way to find a better plugin on the market – an inexpensive price, excellent support, incredible functionality, and a ton of positive comments make Mirasvit’s product a terrific pick.